
AMC 2023 Sem 2 SWOTVAC - Japanese Film Festival Discount Giveaway

Posted by Manas to the Club blog
11:01PM Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Hullo AMC,

Safe to say, things have been turbulent the past few weeks, and the next few prob won't be any less. I hope everyone's taking care of themselves leading up their exams and beyond! To help with this, we come with an offer.

AMC Japanese Film Festival Discount Giveaway!
Fill out the google form below for an opportunity to attend the 2023 Japanese Film Festival! We got the giveaway email late and the event started yesterday... but it doesn't stop for another 12 days! The form will close on Thursday midnight, and two winners will be decided Friday morning. More info about the giveaway itself can be viewed in the form! More info about the event itself is available here: https://japanesefilmfestival.net/

Event: 2023 Japanese Film Festival
When: 23 October - 5 November
Where: Palace Cinemas Kino & Balwyn and ACMI
Google Form: https://forms.gle/sCeAnoRrpKHZ9Ruo6

Once again, good luck with exams! Take care of yourself! We shall meet again on the other side.
Your AMC Committee

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General Meeting

Posted by YesWang to the Club Content Pages blog
11:40PM Sunday, 15 October 2023

Hello AMC, The Anime and Manga Club has invited you to attend our Special General Meeting (SGM). Club member Joshua Yun has officially resigned his position as the President of Anime and Manga Club. At the SGM, we will be considering the motion to expel and ban former President Joshua Yun, as provided by the petition submitted to Clubs & Societies last week. A new president will also be elected at the SGM.

If you would like to nominate yourself for President for the remaining term, but will not be present at the SGM, feel free to send in a proxy nomination to the appointed returning officer (sjcarroll@student.unimelb.edu.au). This should include a bare minimum of your name and contact details, and ideally a speech (either a Word document, pdf or even video or audio recordings) that can be played at the SGM. If you submit one, please keep it under 2 minutes.

The agenda with all the activities that are occurring can be found attached, along with the club constitution and the President's resignation letter. The submitted petition (with petitioners removed) for the ban of former President Joshua Yun has also been attached to this notice (Content Warning Reminder, information raised in the petition could be found disturbing). UMSU emailing system is a little wierd, so might take some time for the notice to be received via email, even though we have clicked send 15 min ago.

Event: Special General Meeting
When: 20/10/2023.
Where: On Campus (PAR‐Arts West North Wing‐361)
Zoom Link:https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/83589551648?pwd=MnRzY2x3ZFhpSGpBeHFQbDU1R1dBQT09
Zoom Link Password: 873385

AMC Constitution

Kind regards, ‐ Your AMC Committee

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AMC 2023 Sem 2 W11 - AMCxUMESA Trivia Night

Posted by Manas to the Club blog
9:57PM Sunday, 8 October 2023

Hullo AMC,

Recently got a friend into the manga Hirayasumi! If you haven't read it, do it. Now. Anyhow, here are plans for the week.

Weekly Meetup
Feel free to drop by if you have time to spare!

Event: Weekly Meetup
When: 2:00-4:00pm, every Monday
Where: PAR-Sidney Myer Asia Centre-114 (Weeks 10 to 12)

AMCxUMESA Trivia Night
Member exclusive preorder is now over. Tickets are available to all! Team up with others to test your otaku and gaming knowledge. Prove your intellectual superiority for a chance to win prizes! Free food will also be present 🍕. Many spaces are still available so get your ticket here!: https://umsu.unimelb.edu.au/shop/product/10011700/ (have shut down the old link to create this one, so pls don't use the old link anylonger)

Event: AMCxUMESA Trivia Night
When: 18:00-21:30, Friday 13/10/23
Where: PAR-Sidney Myer Asia Centre-106 (Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room)

Tis all for now. Exams are on the horizon, so take care and stay healthy,
Your AMC Committee

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AMC 2023 Sem 2 W10 - Artist Alley

Posted by Manas to the Club blog
5:07PM Sunday, 1 October 2023

Hullo AMC,

The Non-Teaching Period is coming to a close, and we are made to welcome Week 10. Here are our plans for the week.

Weekly Meetups
Feel free to hop in if you have time to spare!

Event: Weekly Meetup
When: 2:00-4:00pm, every Monday
Where: PAR-Sidney Myer Asia Centre-114 (Weeks 10 to 12)

AMCxUMESA Trivia Night Notice
Not happening this week, but simply notifying y'all that Trivia Night is coming! And its a collab with UMESA! With two clubs being involved, venue capacity may be an issue. As a result, we will be using a ticketing system to enable 50 AMC members to attend the event. Get your ticket here: https://umsu.unimelb.edu.au/shop/product/10011390/

Event: AMCxUMESA Trivia Night
When: 18:00-21:30, Friday 13/10/23
Where: PAR-Sidney Myer Asia Centre-106 (Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room)

If you are a member of both AMC and UMESA, you need only book a ticket from ONE of us. Please do so if you are relatively certain you will attend🙏, and let me know if you have a change of plans. Should free spaces be available nearer to the event, we will open the tickets to non-members as well.

Artist Alley 
Join our spectacular artists, talk to them, enjoy artworks you like and maybe even buy one of various goods made by our fantastic artists! Bring everyone you know! There will also be a ton of free pizza 🍕. More information can be found here: https://amc.moe/page/big_event/

Event: Artist Alley
When: 11:00-17:00, Thursday 05/10/23
Where: Market Hall, Building 189, Unimelb Parkville Campus

Now back to uni
- Your AMC Committee

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    • No events at the moment.

Discord (Chat)

Discord links tend to expire so please email us and contact us over Facebook if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server

Want to join in on events? Check out our Discord server!

discord invite image


No on campus screening at the moment.


Meet like-minded members on our Facebook Page. Join our group to keep up to date!