About AMC

Peso Page maintained by Peso
Created at 12:52PM Saturday, 2 April 2022

The How and Why of AMC

Who the hell are you?!

Simply put, we are the Anime and Manga Club. Melbourne University's anime club.

AMC exists for anyone who is a fan of anime; whether a member of the University or not, AMC brings together people who got into anime by watching Cheez TV (or older!), living in Japan, wandering into a dark room one day, or just being born a fully fledged anime-lover.

The club itself was originally founded by Paul Fenwick (rumour had it that he formed the club to fund his Sailor Moon habit...) and has since grown into one of the biggest, oldest and most active anime clubs in Australia.

So... what do you actually do?

Well, that's easy. We watch anime, at screenings five days a week, every week of semester (check out our screening page for more info).

But there's much more than that. Members of the club are also able to borrow anime (through our NAS) from the club's extensive library, which is open at almost every screening.

You want more? Well how about Anime Marathons: where the committee serve as much anime (8 hours sound good?) as possible in a single day, straight into your retinas (not to mention pocky and pretz!) How about our Welcome Back Event and Trivia Nights? Movie Nights sound good? How about an inter-club Ramen eating competition?

Finally, we also maintain ourselves as a 'nice group of people' and many of us can always be found outside the screenings each week just chatting away, so why not join us?

Ok, where do I sign up?

You may sign up at any one of our screenings or events, or online (https://amc.moe/signup) at any time! Membership is just $5 for the whole year, valid until the next year's O-Week (late February). Once you've paid your $5 you can opt to receive a membership card the next time you come to any one of our in-person events which acts as your ticket to discounts from our sponsors.

As far as member benefits go, here's what you get:

  • Free access to our extensive Anime Library (ask our Librarian for what's available)
  • The ability to run for committee positions at the AGM
  • Discounts from our sponsors 
  • Free Pocky at events
  • Entrance to our various events (such as Welcome Back and Trivia)
  • The right to vote and let your voice be heard at club events


Being a member of AMC is a really fun and enjoyable experience, with many friendly people!

So even if you're not so sure about joining, feel free to show up to a screening anyway and give us all a warm hello.


    • No events at the moment.

Discord (Chat)

Discord links tend to expire so please email us and contact us over Facebook if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server

Want to join in on events? Check out our Discord server!

discord invite image


No on campus screening at the moment.


Meet like-minded members on our Facebook Page. Join our group to keep up to date!