Joining the Club

Chewyfitz Page maintained by Chewyfitz
Created at 2:15AM Wednesday, 3 April 2019

AMC is open to all, and you don't need to be a student to join. All that's need to join is to come along to one of our events listed on the front page, or to one of our screenings and sign up. You can also join online through this link.

We hold lots of events such as screenings five days a week during the semester, anime marathons, movie nights, trivia nights, discussion and drawing events! You also get access to our huge anime library and a range of discounts and benefits from our sponsors.

Membership is only $5 and lasts until O-week at the start of next year! We'll release more info here after our club stall during O-week, but you're welcome to jump in to the Discord and say hello!

If you'd like to come along and check out the club before signing up, then please feel free to swing by and say hello!

Also feel free to join us on our many social media, including the Facebook Group, Discord Server, and WeChat (Please note that the WeChat is currently not directly managed by the committee, so please be mature)
Links can also be found in the sidebar at right.


    • No events at the moment.

Discord (Chat)

Discord links tend to expire so please email us and contact us over Facebook if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server

Want to join in on events? Check out our Discord server!

discord invite image


No on campus screening at the moment.


Meet like-minded members on our Facebook Page. Join our group to keep up to date!