AMC 2023 Sem 1 W9 - Movie Night III

Posted by Manas
11:56PM Sunday, 30 April 2023

Hullo AMC,

Tis now the end of April, and the beginning of week 9. A third of the year has gone by and I hadn't even noticed.... On the other hand, here's what we've got for this week.

Weekly Meetup
The schedule for the Weekly Meetup should be the same as last week.

Event: Weekly Meetup
When: 1-3pm, Monday 1/05/23
Where: Chemistry Building, room 158

Movie Night III
Not meant to be a mystery movie night but was left hanging, so not entirely sure what the movie and short is. I think it's One Piece Strong World? I'll edit this when updated on the event...

Event: Movie Night III
When: 6-9pm, Friday 05/05/23
Where: PAR-Glyn Davis (MSD)-B117

Hopefully, we see you there!
-Your AMC Committee


    • No events at the moment.

Discord (Chat)

Discord links tend to expire so please email us if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server

Want to join in on events? Check out our Discord server!

discord invite image


No on campus screening at the moment.


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