AMC 2020 - SGM!

Posted by Plyasm
8:10PM Monday, 31 August 2020

Hello everyone!

This week, we'll be having our weekly meetup and screenings as usual, but not before we have our Special General Meeting tomorrow!

In case you have not read the important email about the SGM yet, here's a quick rundown of the details:
-Our AGM didn't count, so we're hosting the SGM.
-We need 15 unimelb students who are also AMC members.
-We are replacing our librarian, since they have stepped down.
-Nominate any willing members, or self nominate. Proxy nomination via email yourself, send your name contact details and your speech.)
-We are also taking signups for new members tomorrow!

-Link to agenda:

-Link to zoom meeting:

-Password: 598096

When: Tomorrow, Tuesday the 1st of September 2020 at 12:00pm.
(Screening will be afterwards)

Hope to see you all there!


    • No events at the moment.

Discord (Chat)

Discord links tend to expire so please email us and contact us over Facebook if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server

Want to join in on events? Check out our Discord server!

discord invite image


No on campus screening at the moment.


Meet like-minded members on our Facebook Page. Join our group to keep up to date!