AMC 2020 - WBP, Weekly Meetups, Mystery Collab & Screenings!

Posted by Plyasm
7:54PM Sunday, 2 August 2020

Hello everyone!

First, before we do anything, a warm welcome to all the new members! Hope you'll enjoy your time with us!
If you feel a bit daunted by what we've got going on, don't be! You're welcome to join any of our stuff anytime we have things going on.
(This includes voice chats in the voice channels and various events that we now host in discord)

Anyways, for the real stuff.
We have a ton of announcements to do today, so sorry if this is super long.
First, we do have an upcoming mystery collab event, and the details will be released tomorrow.
Take a look at the teaser video in our discord!

Next, we have our Weekly meetup coming up in 2 days!
Come join us in the general voice channel when it comes around.
(We chill, talk about anime, manga, ect ect and honestly just do whatever.)
Tuesday 2-4pm.

Third, we also have the Welcome Back Party™ this coming Friday.
We'll be playing games like the games night, except it'll be better this time:
We have multiple tables/channels for different games.
*le gasp*
Yea that's right, we're inventing the legendary technology of multiple voice channels.
Games such as drawful 2, and will all be welcome.
(Other games are welcome too, and you can just chill in general voice chat if you wanna.)
Friday 6-9pm.

And finally, the screenings for this semester!
To make this announcement not bloated and keep it tidy, we'll be doing the screening details announcement seperately.
(Some time after this one)

That'll be all for now.

Mystery collab, details tomorrow. Teaser video in discord.
Weekly meetup, 4/08/2020 (Tuesday, every week), 2-4pm.
Welcome Back Party, 7/08/2020 (Friday), 6-9pm.
Screening details. Soon:tm:.


    • No events at the moment.

Discord (Chat)

Discord links tend to expire so please email us and contact us over Facebook if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server

Want to join in on events? Check out our Discord server!

discord invite image


No on campus screening at the moment.


Meet like-minded members on our Facebook Page. Join our group to keep up to date!