AMC 2020 - Mid Semester Meetup and Movie Night

Posted by Anii
4:00PM Monday, 6 April 2020

Hoi everyone~

I apologise for another late announcement but we are still trying to figure out the best ways to run these online events as it is a big first for us! We thank you so much for your patience during this time.

The weekly online meetup in Minecraft and this week's screenings will be running as per normal, please check previous posts for information on them. Unfortunately we will no longer be running the weekend catchup marathons.

To start off midsem events, we will be screening Wolf Children and a short on Thursday~! The short will be revealed on the day ehe~!
When: 18:00-21:00, Thursday, 09/04/2020
Where: The Watch Together Channel in the Discord Server

Pleas stay healthy and saef frens thank


    • No events at the moment.

Discord (Chat)

Discord links tend to expire so please email us and contact us over Facebook if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server

Want to join in on events? Check out our Discord server!

discord invite image


No on campus screening at the moment.


Meet like-minded members on our Facebook Page. Join our group to keep up to date!