AMC2020 - Annual General Meeting

Posted by Watari
9:30PM Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Hello everyone! It's that time of year again. Time for the Annual General Meeting! Our AGM for 2020 will be held on the 17th of March at Old Arts Theatre C from 12 pm to 2 pm (in other words in place of the regular screening). "But wait!" I hear you cry. 

"What's an AGM?"

The AGM is when the club approves constitutional changes as well as votes in the new committee for the rest of the year. It's your chance to have your voice heard by nominating for committee (either other people or yourself!), getting to know our official dealings (like the constitution and treasurer's report) and/or just participating in the voting!
Most importantly it means FREE PIZZA! (After the meeting)

The Committee

During the AGM we'll have elections for the four executive committee positions and five general committee positions. All committee positions are up for grabs so feel free to have a go! (Please note that only University of Melbourne students can hold executive positions). Here's quick rundown of all the different positions, though keep in mind that everyone can and should pitch in with each other's duties and the general running of club things.

The four executive roles are:
President – The president of the club, generally acting as “the face” of the club and ultimately responsible for ensuring the club continues to function properly.
Vice-President – Covers the president’s role if they’re unavailable.
Secretary – Handles minute taking and other administrative details.
Treasurer – Handles finances of the club and presents reports to club members at the Annual General Meeting.

The five general committee roles are:
Librarian – Handles the maintenance and updating of the library that the club keeps, as well as the library website (when you feel like it).
Webmaster – Handles maintenance and updating of the website.
Publications Officer – Handles events and flyers, creating material for letting members know what we’re up to.
Art Director – Handles art for club proceedings, this is most important to procure art for membership cards, but additional art is appreciated.
Liaison Officer – Handles communication with sponsors, sometimes negotiating new sponsors.

The Nominating

As for the nominations themselves, you're free to nominate anyone (including yourself) provided they accept. You can also be nominated for multiple positions so if you don't quite get one position but are still interested in being part of committee you can have another go.

If you would like to nominate yourself for a position but won't be present at the AGM, feel free to send in a proxy nomination to me ( This should include at bare minimum your name and contact details and ideally a speech (either just a Word document, pdf or if you're the creative sort audio or video recording) that can be read/played at the AGM for your proxy nomination. Keep it under two minutes though!

The Constitution

During the proceedings we'll be presenting our constitution and the treasurer's report. There are a few amendments to the current constitution that need to be passed as motions during the AGM. Feel free to take a look at our current constitution and the proposed, UMSU-approved amendments linked below to see what we’d like to change. We'll also have a presentation of the treasurer's report which will show how we've managed our grant money and other budgetary type stuff. The treasurer will explain better.

The Summary

In clear bullet points:
- we'll be electing new committee
- we'll be presenting constitution and treasurer report
- there will be pizza after the meeting

Links to Document Stuff

- AMC's Current Constitution
- Constitution with proposed amendments
- Agenda for the meeting

Phew. That was a long 'un. We both deserve pats on backs for getting through that. Anyway, hope to see you there and enacting democracy!

- Your AMC Committee


    • No events at the moment.

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No on campus screening at the moment.


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