AMC2019 - Drawing and Ramen Eating

Posted by Watari
9:00AM Monday, 14 October 2019

Goood morning AMC Members!

Around campus this week, we've got the Drawing Event! No special themes or gimmicks this time. Come along whether you have 1000 pixiv followers or don't even know what a jpeg is. We welcome artists of all calibers! Full details are listed below

What: Week 11 Drawing Event
When: Thursday, 17th October. 2:15 pm to 5:15 pm
Where: Union House 2nd Floor - Joe Nap B

Some of the more astute of you may have noticed a missing event over the midsem break.
Well, here it is: Inter Uni Ramen Eating Competition will happen this Sunday!! Come along to represent your Uni and win prizes in a contest where it's survival of the slurping-est! Contact AMC-tan on Facebook or one of the Committee members on Discord if you're interested in participating!

What: Ramen Eating Competition!
 Sunday, 20th October. 4 pm to 5 pm  
: Ramen-ya Emporium. (It's on the underground level!)

Oh and one more thing, Week 11's Meetup will be at Joe Nap A on the usual Wednesday (16/10) from 2 pm to 4 pm.

That's all for now. Do your best with assignments and exam prep!
Hoping that you have a smooth week 11.
- Your AMC Committee 


    • No events at the moment.

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No on campus screening at the moment.


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