AMC2019 - Post-Break Discussion Event

Posted by Watari
10:27PM Monday, 7 October 2019

Howdy y'all!!

It's been a long 9 weeks and a very short midsem break. Let's wind things a notch with a nice, simple Discussion Event for week 10! Whether you just need a space to relax and chat about anime/manga or want (need) to do your end of semester study. Come along, sit down with us and have a Pocky and a drink. 

What: Discussion Event
When: Thursday, 10th of October. 14:15 - 17:15
Where: Union House 2nd Floor - Joe Nap B

Weekly Meetup for Week 10 will be at Old Quad G10. As always, it'll be on Wednesday (9th of October) from 14:00 - 16:00

Keep it short and sweet this week. Hope to see you soon,
Your AMC Committee


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