AMC2019 - Semester 2 O-week Marathon!

Posted by Watari
9:00AM Friday, 19 July 2019

Good morning you beautiful, beautiful people!

Geez, that break sure just flew by didn't it?
.....I want another week at least.

Ah well no time to mope because we've got our first thing for semester 2: O-Week Marathon!
Come along and watch anime and have a chat with us. Catch up with the club after not seeing them for a few weeks or come scope us out if it's your first semester at Uni! Grab a free Pocky and drink when you sign our green sheet!

As always, you're welcome to drop in whenever you want. Details are listed below:

What: S2 O-Week Marathon
When: Thursday, 25th July 2019.  09:00 - 17:00
Where: Arts West North Wing-353

Looking forward to seeing you there and at another semester's worth of screenings!

-Your AMC Committee


    • No events at the moment.

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No on campus screening at the moment.


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