AMC2019 - Trivia Night

Posted by Watari
6:30PM Thursday, 2 May 2019

Here it is. The BIG one.

Unimelb AMC presents…TRIVIA NIGHT.

A whole evening of anime, and sometimes manga, trivia! We’ve got music rounds! We’ve got visual rounds! We’ve got completely unfair final rounds! Called Tiebreakers!

Come along to see the true legacy of the AMC. And be tested on your knowledge of shows. Most of which is on things we screened this semester!

Or just come along for the ride.

Basically, even if you’re not a walking weeb wiki, come for a night of fun, order some dinner (or bring your own) and hang out with your buds, or meet new guys, and impress them with your exhaustive knowledge. Or how loud you are. It’s all good.

Here’s the dinner order form if you want something from Ramen-ya.

What: AMC Trivia Night
When: Friday, 10th of May. 18:00 - 21:00.
Where: Union House Member’s Lounge


As always, look forward to seeing you there. Especially this time.

- Your AMC Committee


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No on campus screening at the moment.


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