AMC2019 - Mid-semester Break Events

Posted by Watari
8:39PM Friday, 12 April 2019

One week left 'till the mid-semester break and boy, do we have some big plans for you!

Note about karaoke: Please send an email to, click 'Going' on the Facebook event or send me (Watari#1915) a message on Discord with your name and phone number if you're interested in coming since we need to inform KBox the number of people we have so an appropriate room can be prepared.

First thing that'll happen for the break is the Cosplay Picnic! Put your costumes on and come relax at South Lawn with us. Snacks and other light refreshments provided! Boardgames too! We'll also have a room for costume changing/adjustments or if the weather turns sour.

What: Cosplay Picnic
When: Wednesday, 24th April 2019. 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Where: South Lawn (find our banner!)

Second thing is...the Mid-semester Break Marathon! Join us for an entire day of anime. Or just come in when you've got time to spare from your no doubt very busy break study sessions. We understand.

What: Break Marathon
When: Friday, 26th April 2019. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Where: MSD. Singapore Theatre

And finally, we finish with a bang: it's karaoke time! Meet up with us at KBox for a full afternoon of singing. You will have to pay $22 to participate but that's 5 hours (!) of singing and one free drink (!!), so I reckon that's a good deal.

What: Saturday Karaoke
When: Saturday, 27th April 2019. 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm. 
Where: KBox LaTrobe St. Melbourne. CBD.

OK, this post is getting long but hope to see you guys at at least one of these.
Till next time,
Your AMC Committee 


    • No events at the moment.

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Discord links tend to expire so please email us and contact us over Facebook if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server

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No on campus screening at the moment.


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