2019 Annual General Meeting

Posted by Usagi
9:07PM Monday, 11 March 2019

Hi everyone!

This year, just like every year, we’ll be having an AGM! It’ll be on from 12:00 at Old Arts - South Theatre (224) on Tuesday 19th March 2019. It will replace our Nichijou screening for the week. We’ll screen as much Nichibros as we have time for, but the AGM has been known to take most of the 2-hour period, so that screening may also be replaced.

The first item of interest is: free pizza! We’ll have free pizza after the AGM ends, so do come along!

What’s an AGM?
The AGM is our Annual General Meeting, where the current committee reports on the previous year, we vote on possible changes to the constitution and the club elects the committee for the next year.

Yep, just like you might have seen in anime and manga, the club also elects representatives to run their school club. This year we’ll be electing four executives and five general committee members. The executive positions can be filled by any University of Melbourne students and general committee positions can be filled by anyone, so please feel free to run if you’d like.

What are the positions?
The official duties of each committee member are described in the constitution. Beyond ensuring all bases are covered for basic operations, the roles can be largely fluid. Here are some notional descriptions for each position to give you an idea which you might be interested in.

The four executive roles are:
President – The president of the club, generally acting as “the face” of the club and ultimately responsible for ensuring the club continues to function properly.
Vice-President – Covers the president’s role if they’re unavailable.
Secretary – Handles minute taking and other administrative details.
Treasurer – Handles finances of the club and presents reports to club members at the Annual General Meeting.

The five general committee roles are:
Librarian – Handles the maintenance and updating of the library that the club keeps, as well as the library website (when you feel like it).
Webmaster – Handles maintenance and updating of the website.
Publications Officer – Handles events and flyers, creating material for letting members know what we’re up to.
Art Director – Handles art for club proceedings, this is most important to procure art for membership cards, but additional art is appreciated.
Liaison Officer – Handles communication with sponsors, sometimes negotiating new sponsors.
All these positions are up for grabs, so feel free to run.

You’ll be given a little bit of time to give a quick speech (1 minute for General roles and 2min for Executive roles) about who you are and why you want the role you’re going for. You can put anything you like in the speech, but a heads up that most of these generally, err... are on the informal side, so no need to be too formal!

There are two ways to nominate for a position: regular and proxy nominations. For the regular nomination, the Returning Officer will ask attendees for any nominations. When this happens, any person may nominate any person (including themselves) for the position. If the nominated person chooses to accept this nomination, then they are nominated for that position. Also, you can certainly be nominated and run for multiple positions. These occur in the meeting itself.

The second way to nominate for a position is a proxy nomination. If you can’t make it to the meeting, you can email the Returning Officer, Grady, at webmaster@amc.moe with your speech and name and details (email and phone number you prefer to be contacted on, student number, course, etc.), and you’ll be nominated by proxy. I, the Returning Officer, will read out your speech at the meeting in your stead. You can also send audio or video media or something along those lines, though do keep in mind the maximum speech durations. If you do submit such a file, it is recommended that you provide a transcript in case technical difficulties arise.

Returning Officer?
The Returning Officer can’t run for any positions, will chair the meeting, handle votes and act as an impartial observer for the meeting, so you can trust that no funny business is going on.

This year we have a few proposed amendments to the constitution. These are all intended to improve clarity in the club’s aims and committee’s powers. The proposed amendments are attached via the link at the bottom.

These will be discussed at the AGM, though, unless C&S grants us permission outside usual approval procedures, these will not be adopted this AGM.

We intend to vote on the acceptability of these changes en bloc, if the vote fails to achieve a majority, we’ll vote to accept all parts which have majority agreement, any amendments which still need discussion will be modified and ratified at a later AGM after modification. This vote won’t bind any resolution for the next AGM but should streamline the process and help us form a clear formal club consensus.

Current Constitution?
You can find the current constitution linked at the end of this email.

What else is on?
The President’s and Treasurer’s reports will be presented, which will cover how the club went over the past year and then we’ll be having (free) pizza, so feel free to grab some slices! Just don’t forget to sign the attendance sheet.

The Treasurer has prepared a preliminary Treasurer’s report that you can look over and question anything regarding. This won’t be the final report as we’ll incur some income and expenses at the Welcome Back Party, however, should give good insight into where the club is sitting.

What if you’re not a Member?
You can sign up for the club at the AGM and participate without any issues.

Too Long
- Free Pizza
- Returning Officer will be Grady (who you can email at webmaster@amc.moe)
- Elections will be happening
- Meeting opens Tuesday 19th March 2019, South Theatre, Old Arts-224, 12:00
- We have some amendments for the constitution to discuss (but we won’t be adopting them this AGM)

- Anime and Manga Club’s Current Constitution
- AGM Agenda
- Financial Report (Preliminary)
- Proposed Amendments

If you made it to the end of this announcement, congrats and thank you! It's a long one, but the AGM is an important event for us as it enables us to keep the club going and to keep holding the events you love! If you're passionate about anime and manga and would like to make a difference and give back to this awesome community, then we absolutely encourage you to run!

See you there!
Your 2018 – 2019 AMC Committee


    • No events at the moment.

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No on campus screening at the moment.


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