AMC O-Week Stall and Marathon

Posted by Limyaael
12:30AM Friday, 16 February 2018

Hi everyone! It's been a while.

As you may know, next week is O-week, and as always we have a stall. I hope you're excited. This year it's on Wednesday the 21st on sunny South Lawn between 11am and 3pm. You'll need to come to the stall to get your membership renewed, which comes along with a great looking new club card with wonderful art from our director, Joo Liew.

We're also holding an anime marathon; a full day of animu watching from 10am-5pm. This will probably be a mix of recent committee favourites and audience participation, so think ahead about the worst thing you can stand watching for twenty minutes to torture everyone else in attendance, and don't forget your debating skills to force the committee into showing it. You can also, as a newly signed up member of the club, get a box of Pocky and a drink. If you're new to the university and don't know where you're going, don't be afraid of asking the committee manning the stall for help finding the theatre.

Oh and there are some other clubs at O-week you could sign up for too. But why do that when there's anime to watch?


Wednesday February 21st
South Lawn


Wednesday February 21st
Old Geology Theatre 2


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