O-week marathon and sign ups!

Posted by Andrew
9:18PM Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Uni starts again in few weeks. However, anime will never stop. I present you Semester 2, O-Week events of 2017.

Firstly, we got the O-Week marathon happening in the old geology building. Typically watching around 2 episodes of each show, so feel free to drop in whenever you can! Also as usual, attendees can pick up a free pocky and drink! Furthermore, we're gonna have the NAS there, too, so you've got this one chance to borrow anime from us and marathon it by yourself or with your family or friends before the new semester begins. (I highly recommend Blood C) 

Also, some of us committee folk will be standing out in the sun (or cloud. Hopefully it doesn’t rain) all day on the same day. You'll find us on Union Lawn somewhere. Come drop in to get your membership if you have not joined the club yet, or come to say hi to our amazing leader Dohwon Kim. Everyone who comes to the stall will receive a free pocky as you do a sign up.

We will see you all soon and enjoy the rest of your holidays.


Date: Thursday, 20th of July
Time: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Union Lawn


Date: Thursday, 20th of July
Time: 10am - 5pm
Location: Old Geology 2


    • No events at the moment.

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Discord links tend to expire so please email us and contact us over Facebook if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server

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No on campus screening at the moment.


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