2017 S1 Trivia Night

Posted by Andrew
12:36AM Monday, 17 April 2017

The break has just started but soon it will be over. In few weeks, you will find yourself overdosed with assignments and exams that you must pass, so you can finish the semester safely.Which means it’s time for trivia night! (Wait what?)

Leave your study-stress at the door for the evening and join in solving the anime/manga questions with your mates! There will be prizes for the winners too!For those who haven't been able to make it to an event yet, Trivia Night is also a fantastic way to meet fellow anime lovers! Haven't got a team? That's perfectly fine, just hop on a random table and join the team!

We will be also selling donburis so please use this form to order donburis! There will be a discount of 4 dollars, rounded down for orders by members!! (For example: $12.50 is discounted to $8) Not a member? That’s fine! You can join in during the event by seeing one of our committee members!
Order form: http://amc.moe/page/2017-sem1-trivia/
Hope to see you there!!!

Date: Friday 28th of April
Location: Union Lounge
Time: 6pm – 9pm

Pocky and Drinks will be provided to members.

Your AMC Committee.


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