2016 Annual General Meeting

Posted by Mokogari
4:00PM Tuesday, 15 March 2016

We'll be having an AGM next week on Tuesday instead of our Kekkai Sensen screening (that is, 12:00at Alan Gilbert Theatre 1, Tuesday 22nd March 2016. We won't start until 12:05, but feel free to get there a little early)!

First things first, yes, there will certainly be FREE PIZZA!

What's an AGM you ask?
The AGM is our Annual General Meeting, it's where members decide on all matters of the running of the club! Such as adding an amendment to the constitution or electing all the new members for the next year!

What's this, Elections?
Yep, at the AGM we will be electing four people to the new executive committee and five people to the general committee. These positions are open to anyone (except the Returning Officer) so feel free to run if you'd like!

What are the positions?
Look at the constitution for what exactly is involved, but here's a general overview:

The executive committee has 4 positions:
President - The president of the club, generally acts as “the face” of the club and makes sure the club is running as it should. Exactly how much work is involved in this role (and others!) varies from committee to committee.
Vice-President - Covers the president's role if they're unavailable.
Secretary - Handles minute taking and other administrative details.
Treasurer - Handles finances of the club. The treasurer's work is to handle the finances of the club, keeping track of finances and presenting reports to club members at Annual General Meetings.

The general committee has 5 positions:
Librarian - Handles the maintenance and updating of the library that the club keeps as well as the website for members to visit. The library has been carefully maintained for quite a few years by the librarian currently in charge, who will help out with advice to any new members taking the role.
Webmaster - Handles the maintenance and updating of the website.
Publications Officer - Handles events and flyers, creating material for letting members know what we're up to.
Art Director - Handles art for club proceedings, this is most important to procure art for membership cards, but any additional art is also usually appreciated.
Liaison Officer - Handles communication with sponsors, sometimes negotiating new sponsors.

All positions are up for grabs so feel free to run!

Can you give a speech?
Of course! In fact, you should! When running for a position, you'll be permitted to make a short speech (2 minutes for an executive committee position, 1 minute for a general committee position) about who you are, and why you should be elected. The speech can contain anything you like, but there's no need to be too formal!

How do nominations work?
There are two main types of nominations: regular nominations and proxy nominations. For the former, the Returning Officer will ask attendees for any nominations. When this happens, any person may nominate any person (including themselves), which must be seconded by another person other than the nominee. If the nominated person chooses to accept this nomination, then they are nominated for that position. Also, you are certainly allowed to be nominated, and run, for multiple positions. But what if you can’t make it to the meeting itself? Well then read on to the following question...

Can you still run if you can't make it?
Yep, contact the Returning Officer, Colin, at president@amc.moe with your speech and name and details (email and phone number you prefer to be contacted on, student number, course, etc.), and you’ll be nominated in proxy. Colin will read out your speech at the meeting in your stead. You may alternatively send an audio or video file or something along those lines, keeping in mind the maximum speech durations. If you do submit such a file, it is recommended that you provide a transcript in the case of technical difficulties.

What's that, you're worried Colin will ignore your proxy nomination?
Don't worry, as Colin is the Returning Officer, he can't run for any positions and will be handling the voting, so nothing should go wrong. You will need to make sure to get your nomination in before the meeting begins though, as Colin will be busy with the AGM and we can't guarantee your nomination won't come in after voting has finished.

Do you have to send Colin an email if you'll actually be there?
Nope, non-proxy nominations happen in the meeting itself, where self-nominations can be made and nominations from others can be declined or accepted by the person themself.

Do you need to be a student?
You can run for Executive Committee positions only if you're a current University of Melbourne student, but if you aren't, you can still run for General Committee positions. It’s only Executive Committee positions that are off the table in this case.

What's that, amendments to the constitution?
This AGM, we've got a new amendment for you! It's "compulsory" (required by Clubs & Societies) so please vote for it!
The addition of Clause 4.9 Grievances
"4.9 Grievances
Any grievance that arises between a club and UMSU, a club member and another club member, or a club member and another University of Melbourne student is subject to the grievance procedure outlined in the UMSU Clubs & Societies Regulations. If the parties subject to a grievance are unable to meet and discuss the grievance and determine a resolution within 21 academic days, the UMSU Clubs & Societies Officer/s or their nominated representative shall appoint a mediator to facilitate mediation. Parties subject to mediation will have certain rights as members of the club suspended until mediation is completed.  

Why should you vote for it?
It is not technically necessary for you to vote for a "compulsory" amendment, however, these come from UMSU which we're affiliated with, voting down this amendment would lead to disaffiliation, which would likely lose us rights to rooms, grounds, insurance and funding and basically we'd have to limit ourselves to perhaps one or two events per year to balance the books. Also, I really don't think anyone should have any issues with the amendment.

What else is on?
The President's and Treasurer's reports will be presented covering the club’s state over the past year, and also we'll be having (free) pizza at the AGM, so feel free to grab some slices! Just don’t forget to sign the attendance sheet :)

What if you're not a member?
You can sign up for the club at the AGM and participate, no dramas.

What's that, that was too long and you didn't read it?
Free Pizza
Returning Officer is Colin (contact him at president@amc.moe)
There's a new amendment
Meeting opens at Tuesday 22th March 2016, Alan Gilbert Theatre 1, 12:05

For further details, please click the following links to see a copy of:

See you there!
Your 2015-2016 AMC Committee


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