Manga Discussion Event

Posted by Mokogari
8:30PM Thursday, 30 July 2015

Hi AMC! 

We have another awesome event planned for you all this upcoming Monday, the first manga discussion event of the semester! Come along and chat to fellow club members about your favourite manga (or just come along to chat) and find new manga to read!

Feel free to bring along your own favourite manga as well!

Location: Graham Cornish A, Union House
Time: Monday, 3rd of August, 2pm - 5pm

If you're worried that you can't make it for the whole event, please don't be. This event is very casual, and you're welcome to join and leave whenever throughout the event time.

Members will also get a box of Pocky and a can of drink.

Looking forward to seeing you at this event,

Your AMC Committee


    • No events at the moment.

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