Mid-year Orientation Marathon & Stall

Posted by Mokogari
10:20PM Saturday, 18 July 2015

Hello AMC!

Hope you've all enjoyed the break! To prepare you for this semester, we present the Mid-year Orientation Marathon! 

Come along and enjoy a drink and Pocky while watching awesome anime with us, and feel free to bring friends, as this is also a great time to sign up to the club! 

We'll be holding a stall at North Court from 11am- 3pm, so come say hi! Membership is $5 and you'll get a box of Pocky too.

Date: 24th July 
Marathon time: 10am to 5pm
Marathon location: Babel 106 (Middle Theatre)
Stall time: 11am to 3pm
Stall location: North Court

See you there!

Your AMC Committee


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