O-Week Marathon - 26/02 & 27/02

Posted by Watari
5:09PM Thursday, 19 February 2015

Because we want as many people as possible to both see our club in action and sign up for it during O-Week, we're running anime screenings for both the Thursday and Friday.

Dates: Thursday February 26 and Friday February 27

Time: 10am to 4pm both days

Location: Medley Theatre, Redmond Barry

We'll be screening all kinds of awesome shows at different times during the day, so feel free to drop in any time. We'll also be doing sign-ups there, so you can sign up either day.

Or, if you don't feel like a marathon, just drop by our stall on South Lawn on Friday to sign up.


See you there,

The AMC Committee


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No on campus screening at the moment.


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