Animaga Tickets

Posted by Watari
5:27PM Saturday, 13 September 2014

.....we've been doing a lot of these as of late - I'll keep this brief. 

Our main announcement for this occasion is that we have a deal with Animaga, a new convention launching in a couple of weeks! They've contacted the club recently saying they're willing to give us 10% off tickets to the convention. If this sounds like the sort of deal you'd be interested in, please fill in this form before this Sunday at 11:59 PM. The committee will get in touch with you when you can collect and pay for your tickets.

Oh, and if we have 10+ people interested in the same sort of ticket (day or weekend) that'll be another 10% off the tickets - just another thing to think about while you're considering your purchase.

And here's another reminder that Trivia Night will be happening Friday week 8 (19/9); here's the donburi (RIP bento) order form and as always we'll be taking orders until 11:59 PM Thursday. After that point if you really, really want a donburi for the night - either come early to the lounge or get in touch with a committee member and we'll take care of it. 

And that should be all....for now.

Your AMC Committee


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