Manga and Anime Discussion Event - 3/4
Your committee is proud to present a new and improved Manga and Anime Discussion Event, as we expand our horizons from the realm of static pictures of manga to the world of anime. Although most of the focus of the event will still be on manga as per usual, we realised that inevitably anime would come into the equation and discussion and therefore we have decided to include it in the name of the event. We will be complementing the event with some physical copies of manga from Rowden White Library, but as always encourage you to bring your own to share and show the others at the event.
Date: Thursday 3rd of April
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Union House Second Floor - Joe Napolitano A
Like always, there will be pocky and drinks, so why not come along and bring a few friends while you snack and explore the intricacies of manga and anime. If you haven't come to many events yet this semester, this is a great one to meet some members and make friends!
Discord links tend to expire so please email us and contact us over Facebook if this is the case and will get a new one up so u can join our server
Want to join in on events? Check out our Discord server! ScreeningsNo on campus screening at the moment.
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